Facial Steamers and Their Effects on Skin Health

Posted by MassageTools Staff on Jun 28th 2016

Facial steamers deliver targeted streams of warmed, moistened air to the delicate skin on the face and neck. The warm steam works to open and unclog pores while increasing circulation and rejuvenating tired skin. At roughly 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the steam is warm enough to make you sweat and naturally cleanse the skin.

Facial steaming dates back to ancient Greece and Rome when steam was harnessed for health and beauty routines, similarly to how it is used today. Steam rooms were used to make people sweat, warming the body and causing individuals to perspire. The steam was allowed to work its magic on the skin and was thought to help cleanse the body of impurities.

Today, spa steaming is most commonly done on the face. It is a relatively quick treatment that is inexpensive compared to other spa procedures. Personal facial steamers allow users to reproduce the procedure at home, giving themselves a facial whenever it is convenient.

The main benefits of a steam facial are increased circulation, increased perspiration and expression of sebum. Increased circulation is a result of a rise in surface temperature that causes blood vessels in the skin to dilate, allowing greater blood flow to the skin to let off heat. This also delivers extra oxygen and nutrients to the surface tissues. Increased perspiration causes pores to open while excess sweat moves dirt, dead skin cells and other debris to the surface for easy removal. Finally, facial steaming helps open and express sebum glands, which produce essential oils to moisturize and protect hair and skin. The steam softens blackhead plugs, allowing them to easily be removed so oils can flow naturally.

Immediately after steaming, facial skin is more receptive to topical treatments such as serums and moisturizers. Be sure to follow-up any steam session with a quality product to ensure maximum moisture retention and skin health.